You will take a thorough test in order to assess your level of English and offer you the most suitable group for you. Throughout the course, we will be at your side for advice and any other professional assistance.

Our teachers are OUR PRIDE. Certified professionals who constantly improve their level.

We offer a wide range of English language programs, from basic courses for children, teenagers and adults to corporate business trainings for employees of companies. We will select for you a course of any complexity, in accordance with your level of English and your needs. We also offer classes with a native speaker.

Comfortable classrooms, modern technical facilities and the latest teaching materials!
We won a grant for the digitalization of our center and now our students will be able to study in the most modern conditions.

Our center is located in the heart of Chisinau, it is convenient to reach us from any part of the city. And there is also a branch in the Riscani district of the capital.

For the convenience of our students, we have prepared a special 3D tour of the school. You Can virtually walk around our school and get comfortable on the spot, just before attending the first lesson.
Take a 3D tourDo you speak English?
Check your English level now
Extending values beyond the classroom by making sure skills and concepts taught in the classroom are authentically useful in the world beyond school.
Offering a multicultural and friendly environment in which students can successfully learn basic skills and core academic content, develop their special talents and social competencies.
Inspiring students to achieve potential and personal goals through activities that are developmentally appropriate, individually paced, and personalized to each student's academic performance and interest.
GERMAN language courses in Chisinau
German is one of the top five foreign languages to learn. This is not surprising, because Germany is famous for its high standard of living and ...
Corporate English at Top English School of Today
Corporate English is one of your company main resources for expanding business and entering foreign markets. English speaking staff is a must ...
What will you learn today at the intensive English course at Top English School of Today? Perhaps you will master the most commonly used ...
New design of our website
Dear friends, we have been working on a new design of our website for a long time, trying to make it as convenient as possible for you. We ...
Языковая школа Top English of Today на Рышкановке
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Cursuri intensive de engleză – vara 2020
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Cursuri de limbă engleză online, în perioada de carantină la TEST
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Курсы Немецкого языка в TEST
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Se anunţă înscrierea în grupe de studiere a limbii engleze pentru adulți 2019
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Summer intensive courses 2019
In the saturated rhythm of modern life, there is often no time to learn and sharpen the knowledge of a foreign language. Top English School ...
Летние интенсивные курсы английского Top English School of Today для взрослых и подростков!
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Летние интенсивные курсы английского языка в Кишинёве в 2018 году
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La cursurile de limbă engleză se completează grupa de copii cu vârsta de la 8 până la 13 ani
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